
Lowrey organ series m525
Lowrey organ series m525

lowrey organ series m525

Once I found out what she had paid for the piano, I determined that she had overpaid by at least $1k and probably a lot more. "this deal is only available today and 3 other customers have already said they are coming back later today to buy this piano"). She did not consult me ahead of time and apparently it was incredibly high pressure (e.g. My mom has a couple of masters degrees from this particular school, so she felt a sense of loyalty to go and buy a piano there at one of the sales (this was about 7-8 years ago). With a little research, a savvy customer could make out much better by knowing the pricing and negotiating directly with the dealer, outside of the guise of the university sale. They advertise sales, but in reality, many of the pianos are sold at MSRP or just below. The way I read it, "university sales" happen all the time and it is a front for a local dealer to move some of their inventory, cloaked in the heritage name and deep pockets of the university community. Due to some heavy-duty work on my part, I was able to get most of it back for her from the dealer. In my opinion, these are a little bit sketchy - my mom actually lost some money one time at local university sale. It sounds like this fantasy organ island is the same schtick aimed at a different demographic.

lowrey organ series m525

Slightly different topic, but this really reminds me of the "University Sales" that many piano dealers hold. Should i not think all this is a bit screwy? anyone need an organ? i wasn't surprised to find that their 'friends' that sold it to them have been side-stepping the fact that the resale on it is probably worse than a 2004 Daewoo Leganza. Now that they realize they've got no use for it, they're looking to sell.


i think this thing is a complete joke, even before figuring in the price, but am i missing something? how can they charge this price? the sound generation is also a complete mystery, not a thing mentioned in the manual - not even a spec list! what's really creepy is their website, it's like it's for a retirement package and (of course) there's no prices mentioned anywhere.

lowrey organ series m525

:eek: wtf? how is this possible? i've seen/heard/played this thing and it seems like something straight out of 1987. in 2004 they somehow ended up with a brand new Lowrey "Premier" double-manual organ which, come to find out, cost just $28,000. they have these fancy getaways at a 1000-Islands resort where they're pitched on these outrageously priced keyboards/organs, and probably run around in tin hats drinking funny Flavor-Aid out of little cups. a few years back she got roped into this cult headed by the people at 'the Keyboard & Organ Center'. since then she's upgraded several times and now rocks a Yamaha Tyros. My grandmother has been playing keyboards for maybe 15-20 years now, starting out with an old Yamaha PSR. I'm not a fan of making threads to smear a company, but i think this is a bit nuts.

Lowrey organ series m525